Screenshots Of Women Asking Guys Out On Dates Will Help You Just Go For It


Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:27 p.m. ET

There's a long standing stigma that women shouldn't ask guys on dates. It's old fashioned but somehow it's still a thing even in today's online dating world. For whatever reason it still exists and it's super frustrating at times and can lead to stalemates where both are afraid to make the first move. It's one of the ins and outs of dating that probably lead to the most miss connections cause they drag their feet. One woman is looking to change it up.

Oloni is a dating blogger with a big following on Twitter and she posed a very difficult challenge to her fans. The Dating Challenge. She wants women just to go for it and don't hesitate to reach out to the guys and girls they're interested in.

All you have to do is be brave enough to ask...

Ladies ask that guy you fancy out on a date and tweet me a screen shot of his response. πŸ’πŸΎ

β€” Oloni (@Oloni) October 26, 2017

People have answered Oloni's call and the beating of their own hearts. All they have to do is ask out someone they're interested in and share the results. This is so scary! We're a society used to only asking out strangers on dating apps, not humans we meet and see in real life. Oloni is really pushing here. The results are super positive at least and we're glad to see so many women just putting themselves out there.

But a lot of people have been doing it and sharing their screenshots of their successful date attempts. They are so freaking cute:

@Oloni I didn't know what to say after he said yes 😁

β€” keshef mir (@keshefmir) October 26, 2017’s planned for Sunday 😩😩😩

β€” #SapiosexualAndThat (@RejiYates) October 26, 2017

I got scared you know. And he said β€œalright Sunday, we’ll go”.

β€” #SapiosexualAndThat (@RejiYates) October 26, 2017

Omg i did It!!!

β€” dobby (@iamnothedwig) October 26, 2017


β€” Sabrina Dhowre (@somalii_pirate) October 26, 2017

Though there have been some failures, don't give up ladies!


β€” ; (@SemandeSovi) October 26, 2017


β€” ; (@SemandeSovi) October 26, 2017

Oloni look what you made me do 😩😭😭😭#datechallenge

β€” Mocha β˜• (@ada__OG) October 26, 2017

Hey, that's the risk you take when you try to be brave in love! You gotta fail in order to succeed. 

And you can always not try.

Me admiring the bravery of those on the #datechallenge whilst keeping my feet firmly in my comfort zone

β€” aj (@antoniaking) October 27, 2017

This is such a cool movement. We'd love to see it become a thing. Don't be shy!
