Frequent use of earphones increases the bacterial growth in the ear, according to this study. Not to mention that the sharing of earphones increases the risk of getting “bad” bacteria and can lead to different ear infections. In order to protect your health, it’s better to keep certain items exclusively for individual use.
Bright Side prepared a list of 11 things that can never be shared.
1. Nail clippers

We can’t see it but there is a huge amount of bacteria, viruses, and fungal microorganisms on the human fingers and nails. Therefore, ordinary nail clippers can become a vector of infections. Thus, the use of another person’s nail clipper increases the risk of fungal diseases and HPV (human papillomavirus).
2. Earrings

There are many blood vessels in the ears. That’s why it’s very easy to become infected with blood-borne diseases simply by wearing a friend’s earrings. The next time you want to borrow earrings, wipe them with rubbing alcohol first.
3. Lip balm

Under the surface of the lips, there are blood vessels too. They are ready to carry everything that you put on this part of the face into the bloodstream — even microbes. The herpes virus can be transmitted from one person to another when sharing a balm or lipstick, even if the carrier has no visible symptoms of the disease.
4. Eyebrow tweezers

If you use someone else’s tweezers to tweeze a few extra hairs, it’s not all that scary. But if you use them to get rid of heavily ingrown hairs and blood appears, this tool can cause serious diseases in the future. If there’s no other option but to share a pair of tweezers, thoroughly rub them with rubbing alcohol.
5. Ball deodorant

Ball deodorants can carry serious infections, especially if the bacteria gets into small wounds after shaving. Fragrant deodorants only mask the smell and don’t prevent the multiplication of bacteria. Therefore, always choose deodorants with antibacterial ingredients and don’t share them, even with your family.
6. Bar soap

Microorganisms cover a bar of soap after each use — not only harmless microbes but also dangerous viruses. Worst of all is when the soap lies in a wet soap dish. That’s because moisture creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. To reduce the risk of infection, use liquid soap from a dispenser.
7. Hairbrushes

Never give your hairbrush to anyone and don’t use someone else’s. It increases the risk of catching parasites such as lice, scabies, and even staph infections. If you share a hairbrush, immediately clean it with a sanitizer. The best way to protect yourself is not to share a hairbrush at all.
8. Towels

The towel is a breeding ground for germs, especially when it hangs in a bathroom with high humidity. If your towel smells musty, it means that there is a development of mold and bacteria. Such a towel can infect its owner with fungal infections and bacteria that cause rashes, acne, and conjunctivitis. To eliminate this danger, wash your towel after 4-5 uses and always let it dry completely.
9. Loofahs

A loofah doesn’t have time to completely dry between uses. Therefore, it is an excellent germ factory for the same bacteria as in towels. Dry your loofah thoroughly, don’t share it with anyone and ventilate the bathroom every day.
10. Makeup brushes

Avoid sharing makeup products that come into contact with bodily fluids, such as tears, nasal mucosa, saliva, blood, or pus from acne. This means that it’s better not to share eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, concealer, foundation, lipstick, and rouge. Also, don’t give anyone your makeup brushes, and never use samplers in cosmetic stores.
11. Earphones

Other people’s earphones can cause bacterial growth in the ears. The risk increases if you use them during a workout: additional heat and moisture contribute to their development. Additionally, if you share headphones, be prepared for bacteria like streptococcus and staphylococcus to get into the ear and cause infections, boils, and pustules. If you still want to share this accessory with someone or borrow it, wipe the headphones with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
After reading this article, will you still share your hairbrushes and earphones with friends or relatives? Tell us in the comments!
Please note: This article was updated in May 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.